Covid-19 Policy
1.1 DRONE21 UK LTD (the "Company" "We" "Our" "Us") takes the threat posed by the coronavirus outbreak seriously. We are committed to playing our part in helping to restrict the spread of the virus by following the latest UK Government and NHS advice.
1.2 This commitment extends to ensuring that our operations and activities do not place our staff and our clients at risk of harm, injury, illness or damage, which includes awareness & due diligence around the global public health emergency of the Coronavirus; COVID-19. DRONE21 UK LTD knows we share this ultimate priority with all of you.
1.3 The UK Government, Department of Health & the WHO; World Health Organisation websites are our resource library for the Coronavirus COVID-19 health alerts which will be reviewed daily.
1.4 Some Terms used in this policy have their meaning and interpretations in our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
2.1 Due to the COVID-19 crisis and advice of UK Government, our office has been closed and will resume soon. Some of our on-site services are affected during this period, as they rely on staff having access to our offices and collections.
Unaffected Services:
· Our website, including imagery and videos of past works
· Online enquiries for aerial photography
· Telephone and messaging enquiries
2.2 Please note that we fulfilled as many orders as we could before our office building closed to staff and our clients.
2.3 DRONE21 UK LTD presently works from home and due to a large volume of pending work requests, please expect longer delays. Enforcing home-working has also enabled us to increase our cataloguing efforts.
3.1 DRONE21 UK LTD will take all reasonable steps to ensure we continue to meet our client obligations and operate our core activities as close to normally as possible while carefully monitoring what is an ongoing situation. Specifically, we will take the following steps in relation to the services we provide:
3.2 In relation to supporting our clients remotely:
3.2.1 DRONE21 UK LTD remote support activities are taking account of UK Government formal guidelines and this means that our staff are continuing to work from home. They have full connectivity in order to continue to provide our services as near to normally as possible.
3.2.2 Our Clients are advised to prepare for increased remote collaboration since in most cases, projects can continue remotely if clients have mobile technology.
3.2.3 DRONE21 UK LTD will gladly assist our Clients in learning to use virtual collaboration and communication tools as may be required for us to achieve our common goals
3.3 In relation to DRONE21 UK LTD staff visiting third party locations (including in relation to supporting our clients onsite):
3.3.1 DRONE21 UK LTD recognises that supporting our clients on-site is a key element of the service it provides and so, based on current UK Government guidance, we are providing such visits as required and on a case-by-case basis.
3.3.2 At the very least, the following steps will be taken:
· If any support activity can successfully be completed away from site, progressing such activities in this manner will be the preferred method
· Where a site visit is necessary, a risk assessment will be undertaken prior to each new site visit, or will be reviewed each day where visits to a specific site are on consecutive days
· Where relevant, DRONE21 UK LTD’s Method Statement for working on-site will include specific measures in relation to COVID-19
· DRONE21 UK LTD staff will follow all appropriate general guidance in relation to ‘social distancing’ and the ensuring of personal hygiene both while at a site and in relation to travelling to and from sites
· All DRONE21 UK LTD staff will, of course, follow all appropriate customer instructions and guidance whilst on site (including in relation to PPE)
3.3.3 Ensuring the safety of our customers and our staff remains our highest priority and so no visits will be undertaken to sites where COVID-19 cases are currently reported as evident or where our staff members are displaying any symptoms. In addition, international visits are currently deemed inappropriate and so only UK site visits may be undertaken at present.
3.4 In relation to our internal operations:
3.4.1 Unless a change to UK government guidelines means that this isn’t practical, our main offices will remain open with a minimum staffing level. In any event, these staff members will take account of all ‘specific preventive measures’ and precautions detailed on the website sources detailed above whilst attending work in this way.
3.4.2 In the event that the UK Government indicates that measures are required such that our offices are forced to close, all remaining members of our staff can work remotely and continue our operations as normally as possible.
3.4.3 Regardless, we expect our staff to continue to fulfill their roles and their obligations to our customers as normally as possible but this will be tempered by the fact that we will be enforcing a ‘self-isolation’ policy for any appropriate individual if the need arises.
3.4.4 Communication has increased on all topics, using virtual methods to keep all staff and third-party service providers informed.
4.1 Please note the safety guidelines below regarding our workplace. These measures are designed to keep you and us safe and we will continue to review these procedures.
4.2 To eliminate or minimise risks to health, safety and well-being as far as is reasonably practicable, DRONE21 UK LTD:
4.2.1 provide our staff with preventative measures to apply regarding good hygiene practices while working at home. These include, but not limited to:
a) washing of hands regularly with hand sanitiser or soap and water if hand sanitiser is not available;
b) avoid shaking hands & physical contact;
c) maintain social distancing (stay at least 1 metre distance between yourself & anyone who is coughing or sneezing)
d) avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
e) respiratory hygiene
4.2.2 provide our staff and our clients the list of common symptoms of the coronavirus so they can be diligent with their health & safety and seek medical advice as required. The symptoms include, but not limited to:
a) sore throat, cough, fever, runny nose
b) respiratory problems, trouble with breathing
4.2.3 Stipulate to our staff members who have come in contact with any persons that have contracted the virus to seek medical attention immediately and prepare to self-isolate.
4.2.4 Provide such information, instruction to all our staff members, contractors, clients and other persons as is necessary to ensure their continued health and safety. This include, where necessary, to provide our staff and our clients with the current up-to-date list of “high-risk” countries and “moderate-risk” countries
4.2.4 Encourage our staff to work remotely until further notice.
5.1 Any further changes to any of these measures will be informed by advice from the detailed sources and communicated both to staff and customers accordingly and as appropriate.
6.1 For inquiries and questions, you can contact Drone21 UK LTD at: and +44 (0) 77432564377.uatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.